Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The one New-simple and scientifically proven way to live longer - Dr. RWAKISETA Herbert

It has been scientifically proved that each time you smile, a new neural road is developed that connects and increase the levels of happiness and good health (endorphins and serotonin) fighting off stress. Many have resorted to the negatives and differences or what separates us in the world than focusing our attention to what unites us. Such as smiling and laughing we all do no matter what country or tribe or religion you belong to.

I have seen may countries irrespective of their differences coming together to share the smile and laughter in the world sports arenas, music contests to accomplish the same goal of togetherness. As mile has the power to cut through all barriers has no age gender or even culture. It is a universal language understood by all and representing good will affection and openness and acceptance. Imagine how it feels when welcomed by a smile? Before any word you feel comfortable and increases connectivity. During a TED talk Ron Gutman discussed the hidden power of a smile and went further to say that, a single smile can provide the same level of stimulation/ feeling just as 2,000 chocolate bars can do or the feeling you get after winning the lottery.

Therefore, instead of spending money on chocolates spend nothing by smiling for the effect is the same. Smiling has further been proved to increase longevity; 7 years longer compared to those that did not. With this in mind the world has calendared every 1st Friday of October every year as the world smile day in honor of Harvey Ball known for creating the Smile Face in 1963 with the slogan, “Improving the world with one smile at a time”

To be effective in smiling and boost your experience, smile the first thing when you get up early morning, always remind yourself each day that you are going to smile more, think happy through out and smile at everyone that comes your way, remembered the more you smile the more happier your become. Make it a goal each day to smile. 
 Research as further found that Children smile over 400 times a day compared to adults. Increase your love by sharing a smile each day with the world. We need more smiles than grumpy faces.

Dr. RWAKISETA  Herbert
CEO & Founder MindLAB Inc
Keynote Speaker and Consultant
In Business, Leadership & Life relationships

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